RNVR Cricket Club

RNVR Cricket Club News story

Happy Birthday to the Club's elder playing member

07 Mar 2023

Tuesday 7th March: Many happy returns to David Thornton who remains the oldest recorded player in an RNVR match (Forest Green September 26th, 2021).

David's RNVR career is currently recorded as spanning 7 decades, 1963-2021, also a record, but mainly playing in the 1960s, clearly and sadly for us, still an incomplete era.

His higher century at Forest Green, 109 on Saturday 26th June, 1966, just before July's other sporting event that year, served as a chance to resurrect that fixture in a search for old scorecards.

David's only recorded six wickets at 26 and runs scored at 25 very nearly qualify him as an early leading allrounder.

His son Will has followed him into the RNVR (2008-2021) and his granddaughter is a fast bowler in Sussex, where David still plays regular golf in his tenth decade.

Happy Birthday!